Shou Sugi Ban Fix

This product is used when the wood can come into contact with hands. The carbon layer is hardened so that it will crumble less quickly. In addition, a water-repellent effect will also be visible. This product is transparent and matte. This is also available in a more shiny finish. No technical data sheet currently available.
Disponibilidade: Em estoque
Data de entrega: 3-5 days
Preço antigo: €30,00

Shou Sugi Ban Fix is used when the wood can come into contact with hands. The carbon layer is hardened so that it will crumble less quickly. In addition, a water-repellent effect will also be visible.
This product is transparent and matte. This is also available in a more shiny finish.

No technical data sheet currently available.

Shou Sugi Ban Fix is used when the wood can come into contact with hands. The carbon layer is hardened so that it will crumble less quickly. In addition, a water-repellent effect will also be visible.
This product is transparent and matte. This is also available in a more shiny finish.

No technical data sheet currently available.

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